TSG - Post-Migration User Account Access Process

TSG - Post-Migration User Account Access Process

Step 1: Reset your Microsoft 365 Password
1. Copy and Paste the link https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/ into an incognito/private browser window.

2. Enter email address <FirstName.LastName@stonergroup.com>

3. Enter the characters in the picture on the “Get back into your account” page.

4. Click Next 

5. Choose one of the following options below to verify your identity

5a."Text my mobile phone" and enter the phone number associated with your Stoner Group phone to receive a text message and follow the instructions within the text message.


5b. "Call my mobile phone" and enter the phone number associated with your Stoner Group phone to receive a phone call and follow the instructions within the call.

6.       Enter a new password twice
7.       Click Finish

Pro Tip: Incognito/Private Browser Instructions

From Windows: Press Ctrl +Shift + N in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to open an incognito/private browser window.

From iPad: Tap and hold on the “Safari” app and choose “New Private Tab” to open a private browser

Important Note: The email address you use in step 2 should end in @theprimegroupco.onmicrosoft.com. If it shows anything else, then you are NOT using the correct email address.

Important Note: New Passwords should NOT include the following words AND meet the complexity requirements below:

Unusable words:

·         Stoner

·         Stonergroup

·         Ochoco

·         1904

·         Prime

Complexity Requirements:

·         8 to 64 characters.

·         Must contain 3 out of 4 of the following: lowercase, uppercase, numbers, or symbols.

Important Note: Do NOT use the “Approve a notification on my authenticator app” option if available as it will result in setup failure, you will NOT be able to access your account.


Important Note: Do NOT sign into the Microsoft 365 account ending in @theprimegroupco.onmicrosoft.com after resetting the password.

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